Silly question, isn't it? Well at first it may seem like a silly question- especially since most of us are not too keen on "drop-in" company these days!! So, why then, am I asking? I am asking because it is serious question that, depending on the answer, will let me know immediately if you are "seeking first the Kingdom of God". Do you mean where I physically live will determine whether I make wise choices or not??? Exactly- sort of!!
We need to be living in peace, joy and right-thinking in the Holy Ghost (I learned this from a wonderful and solid man of G-d in Africa, Pastor Tom Deuschle). But most of us, rather than living in the KINGDOM (which is a disposition more than it is a place) would rather live in the United States where life is relatively easy. We have what we need. We eat well (some TOO well). We are moderately safe (at least compared to war zones and familne- ravaged nations are concerned). Life is good! But we weren't called to live in the USA- we are sojorners; just passing through. We are supposed to be an "in it and not OF it" kinda people. Plan for a solid earthly future (because the Word says a GOOD man provides for His children and his children's children) but keeping in mind a heavenly-led plan. Seeking FIRST the KINGDOM gets you atarted on your way to living in the right "place". Read on...
"We are a people (those who believe in G-d Almighty) who are living a thousand miles below our priviledges" said my long-term mentor and true Apostle, Dr. Loran W. Helm. I see that. And I see now how it is possible. I didn't exactly understand when he shared that,though. Neither did the thousands he shared it with either! We CHOOSE not to live "in the Kingdom" and alternatively choose a life of ease and we "live" in our own kingdom! Pretty small place with meger provisions, I will say!!! But G-d has called us to live "in the Kingdom" which is characterized by living in "peace, joy and right-thinking". This is the simple answer why so many are depressed (as I was for many years), hopeless, greedy, worried, paranoid and self-centered!! We are called to live by a different set of life-rules. Our G-d "supplies our need according to His riches in Heaven". The religious think that means to sit back and wait for G-d to provide it!! UGH!! G-d said he has GIVEN (past tence) all we NEED to live life and G-dliness!! In other words "I HAVE DONE ALL, NOW YOU NEED TO GET WORKING!!!"
Tangible rewards, inward peace, wisdom, heaven-sent direction, blessings, joy, true KINGDOM relationships that last forever (not when people are "done" with you) are yours! These are some of the rewards of "living in His Kingdom", the Kingdom of G-d!!
Make a decision to live FULLY in the Kingdom and then all those things will be added unto you! He is the G-d of multiplication... bury yourself in the soil of the Kingdom and just watch what is really in you grow into maturity inside of you for a lost and dying world!
Your earthly rewards include PEACE, JOY and RIGHT THINKING, something His Church sure does need right now!!