Hello. I am home today (Sunday) freezing! We had the electricity go out because of an ice storm in Northeastern Oklahoma! It looks pretty- all the trees and bushes covered in a clear glaze of ice; a virtual winter wonderland- that was untill a tree that Joshua and I planted when he was four years old split under the pressure of the ice load!! I was SICK looking out at that tree in our front yard! I am kind of sentimental about those kinds of things! That tree represents time spent with the greatest son a dad could even have! Humor me as I brag a bit- He is handsome, kind, smart and a bit cocky (I admit the cocky could go, but the flip side of that bad character trait is determination and confidence once it falls under the control of the Spirit of G-d).
Then as I sit here I hear a loud **CRACK** a HUGE limb off of a 75 foot tall pine tree in my back yard takes out the fence in my back and side yard!! UGH. This is going to be a messy clean up- and it isn't over yet!! We are supposed to have ice falling around here until lateTuesday! Keep us in your prayers! I am asking for any available angels to hold up the balance of the branches or at least keep deflecting any falling ones from hitting the house!! Ah, never a dull moment.
I know what I am going to do- being the dilligent man of action that I am!- I'm going to get back to drinking my hot cocoa as it sits here next to my laptop as steam rises from top of my Starbucks mug, snuggle under a fleece blanket of Elisabeth's and watch "It's a Wonderful Life", because, you know, it really is! My advice to you today- Stay warm, make yourself some hot cocoa, get a copy of this classic movie and take some time to reflect what a great life you do live- and ask Him what you can do today to make it even better for those you come in contact with! Gotta go, the movie is about to begin!
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