This post includes a GREAT teaching from Dr. Mike Murdock. Read on and be blessed. Please pass this around. It maybe the single most important foundational teaching we as Believers in Yeshua need to learn!
This post teaches us about PERSONAL responsibility. I AM RESPONSIBLE for the quality of my life. I AM RESPONSIBLE for the JOY or LACK OF JOY in my life because of my WISE or STUPID and SELFISH choices I make.
When things "go good" people credit G-d. When things go wrong the fault the Devil. WRONG!!! It's YOU in both cases. G-d's plan is to prosper you, have you walk in wholeness and complete a huge purpose for your existence. BUT we do not seek His wisdom. We "seek counsel" from others (most of the time from those who are walking in the flesh as much as we are and are afraid of losing a relationship with you to tell you the truth... things go "to hell in a hand basket" because we did what we wanted to do and now we spin off a whole new set of consequences and we lose YEARS mopping that mess up, plus, everyone's future has been altered by your selfishness.
Now He said He can make up for the years the canker worm has eaten, but why should we have to live in lost, made up years if you can choose wisdom and self denial FIRST and walk in His joy and blessings first. We are supposed to have the mind of Christ, but we need to rip out the on/off switch between His mind and ours, seek wisdom and use what we have been given. You see, wisdom takes TIME. Studying the Word of G-d takes YEARS- a LIFETIME. But in the meantime, we are supposed to lean on learned men and women of G-d who have walked victoriously, studied the Word, have a lifetime of following His Word. But we are BANKRUPT of G-dly men and women around us- especially in Church leadership! Most are worldly Believers who don't have His mind "on" enough to live and walk with much consistency! They have their own agenda and are looking to build their own empires. Where have the real followers of G-d gone??? Where are truly committed men and women gone? Everyone is "religious" but very very few have G-dly wisdom, depth and consistent, evidential character. We are in a desert spiritually.
About 25 years ago, while living in Florida, I asked my Mentor and Apostle, Dr. Rev. Loran W. Helm, "Brother Helm, why don't we see more people living a truly "Spirit led" life, like I personally experience you and Florence (his precious wife) lead??" I said it sorta critically... He looked at me, got up close to my face, and from underneith his glasses, said to me in a loving but authoritative tone, "Son, THEN BECOME IT!!" Wow. That burned deep within me. So, I am trying!!
Here is Dr. Mike's teaching.... join with me to BECOME IT!
Belief #1. God Is In Control Of Everything That Happens On The Earth.
Is this true? Are my decisions unnecessary? If everything that happens is planned and ordered by God, you cannot legally prosecute a rapist...nor a murderer...nor a child abuser. Why? If you believe God is in control, that person is not responsible for their own conduct and behavior. God is responsible. Is that possible? Of course not. Jesus said He wasn’t willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance... yet people are perishing every day. In Matthew 23:37 He looked across Jerusalem and said, “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”
God did not predestine your decisions. God predestined the consequences of decisions.
Belief #2. Satan Is In Control Of Everything On
The Earth.
If he is, why is there so much success, enthusiasm, passion, miracles happening on the earth? If satan was in control of the earth, nobody would serve Christ. No preacher would ever preach the gospel. No man would get saved. No, satan is not in control of the entire earth or terrorism would rule.
Belief #3. Your Personal Decisions Are Creating Your Personal Circumstances.
This is Scriptural... documented 331 times in Scripture. Review Isaiah 1:19-20, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land...But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword:”
This indicates and proves that I am involved in the decisions of my life.
The Quality Of Your Wisdom Determines The Quality Of Your Decisions.
The Quality Of Your Decisions Are Revealed In The Circumstances Of Your Life.
Your Financial Decisions Determine Your Financial Success.
Your Relationship Joy Reveals Your Relationship Skills...And The Quality Of Your Decisions.
You can succeed. You need not fail.
But, you must learn the secrets of motivating avoid the horrifying and tragic consequences of daily failure.
Pretty intense, isn't it Blog buddies... now GO OUT AND BECOME IT!! The world is waiting for you to rise up. If not you, who?? Love you all.
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