21 October 2010

Creek County Man Can Offer ‘Text While You Drive’

Here is a re-print from the SapulpaHeraldOnLine.com written by John Brock about our new company that saves lives and ends TEXTING AND DRIVING... enjoy...

"A Creek County businessman would like to add a new(ish) word to the vocabulary of Sapulpans, the nation and the world.

The word is: Vext. The word and the company it represents GetVext.com was partly conceived in Sapulpa and has a local address. Perhaps it’s biggest fan is in CEO and county resident Larry Favalora.

The company can tout the features of its’ product summed up with one sentence.

GetVext.com provides mobile phone users-subscribers with easy e-mail and text message access-composing (even on a drive behind the wheel of an auto) by voice alone using any cell phone in the United States.

It is a cell phone feature that Favalora strongly feels is both needed by the market as a stand alone product, and if implemented (used) by consumers will benefit American society as a whole, by eliminating the threat of cell phone texting and driving teens (and anybody else) while operating a motor vehicle.

“We really feel our system will elimate the dangers of texting and driving, especially among the young. The distraction the danger its in the news, some experts liken it to being as bad (driving) as alcohol intoxication.

“Teens are going to text in the car if they can. History shows us that prohibition doesn’t work. They can write as many laws as they wish (banning texting by drivers-increasing fines and penalties) but that won’t necessarily solve the problem and is probably foolish. Technology has caused the problem and we believe our technology (Vext) can solve the problem,” Favalora said.

The GetVext system is computer server based. The nuts and bolts of the system operate from a stand alone electronics company allied with GetVext.

About a minutes worth of quiet time will set up the system for the first time user with a one keypad press that speed dials the computerized server farm in Canada.

A few voice prompts later and the system is set-up and ready to convert spoken words into written text type and then send it to the proper destination.

A demonstration Wednesday in the Herald’s offices displayed a relative ease of set-up and moments later Favalora spoke into his cell phone and kazow-boom a text appeared on the Herald employee’s ordinary run of the mill mobile phone.

The software-system reproduced the company CEO’s words into text-type precisely.

“We identified a niche in the market in that most of the anti-texting technology available today is for smart-phone users. Smart phones are about 30-percent of the overall market. Our product will work with any cellphone,” he said.

“A big part of the philosophy of our company is not only to seek out small innovative products and companies, to make a profit but also to be charitable to society with a portion of the proceeds of profit,” Favalora said.

Fundraising schemes for churches, non profits, schools and sports teams is a marketers niche the company is pledging to exploit. So contact GetVext.com to get started- it's TOTALLY free to start for Non-Profit groups and generates recurring monthly income!

The entrepreneur readily admits with near certainty that the Oklahoma state legislature will at some future point, pass anti-texting while driving laws. Trendwise similar legislation has been and will be enacted by other states of the union.

“Part of our marketing is directed at kids and parents of kids. We have a program where we can get local schools involved in the safety aspect of it and as a fundraising tool. Our service costs justs $6.95 a month,” he said rather proudly.

“It would be great to go to a school assembly at Sapulpa High and showcase the safety aspect of our product and the benefit to the school itself as a fundraising tool,” Favalora said.

The company CEO is a an energetic salesman and brings an eastern seaboard accent and flair and he speaks almost as much with hand gestures as words.

Asked as to what brought a New York businessman to oil patch country. “I married a gal from Oklahoma, moved out here in the 80's with her and really liked the area and people. So I stayed. I looked around the community saw some things I thought should be addressed so I ran to be the mayor of Oilton and won the office serving in the 1990’s.

Always hands on, Favalora during his mayoral tenure he was unhappy with State law enforcement response in arresting the behavior of drug dealers who were brazenly doing their business almost in the wide open.

“I figured I was mayor and couldn’t get the response I needed, so I just hid a video camera in the bushes and recorded the transactions,” he said.

His non-traditional tactic apparently worked, State and County law enforcement apparently perked up their efforts and served his little community a bit better than before.

20 September 2010

I Have Something CRAZYGOOD To Share...

I've been social networking now for a few years and although I wouldn't consider myself "hard core", I check FB daily and occasionally share pics and/or videos. But on a regular basis add incredibly witty comments to the crazy things that my friends post. Some are true classics! In recent days, I've become more and more concerned about what I read about social networking sites selling the information that they compile about me as I use their site. Evidently, the 500,000,000 of us sharing our likes/dislikes, talking about where we go and what we do-is really big business-and by that I mean-big MONEY business. SNS sell our personal information as well as our content to third parties-who are clamoring to find potential sales. I mean I know they have to make money, but at what price to us-the users. And it seems so easy for private information shared on these sites to become available to everyone-I mean, you read terrible stories about things that happen as a result of private information made public from these sites. A friend mentioned to me that she was using crazygood.com-a subscription-based social networking site that doesn't sell users' info or even allow ads. I still FB often but use it more as a search for friends now-because it's so massive. But if I want to SHARE info, photos, etc., I only use Crazygood. It just makes me feel more protected, and I'm back in control of my own information. If you're concerned about your cyber safety and want to be SURE your private information remains just that-PRIVATE, then check out Crazygood by clicking on the link below.

By the way I am making some pretty good money already- and that is not a bad deal either in this economy!!!!


01 July 2010

"UGH, Sales are down. I'm down. People won't buy."

I get a ton of emails that start out something like, "My sales are off," or "The market is down," or "I just can't get motivated like I used to."

Times are a bit tough. What's your point?

Well, as much as I'd love to tell you to quit whining and get to work, I'd rather not sound like your boss.

HOPE: There's business out there. Just not as much of it.

REALITY: People will still be buying. Even if the quantity is lower. The question is, will they be buying from you?

When things aren't going well, you have 2.5 options:
1. Do something about it.
2. Do nothing about it.
2.5 Complain about it.

Lack of sales is NOT a problem. People's indecision is NOT a problem. Lack of motivation is NOT a problem. All three are SYMPTOMS. If you're looking to cure your ills, you'd better look deeper than complaining.

Here's where to start - look for the clues:
CLUE ONE: Plan less. Act more.
CLUE TWO: Plan for today the night before.
CLUE THREE: Plan for the week on Sunday.
CLUE FOUR: Plan six valuable or money meetings.
CLUE FIVE: Plan actions and activities that lead to completion.
CLUE SIX: Plan successes, not just actions.

CLUE SIX POINT FIVE: Now is the time. You know the old expression, "There's no time like the present." I say, "There is only the present."
ATTITUDE CLUE: If your drama factor exceeds your sales results, it's time for an extreme attitude makeover.

When sales are slow, big companies "cut" rather than "invest." They say, "I'll advertise after the recovery, I'll market after the recovery, I'll train more after the recovery" -- wondering all the while why things aren't improving, as they whip their salespeople.

They "react" rather than "proact." Sales drop even further, morale drops, and key people quit. And as a result, recovery takes longer.

As a salesperson, here's what to do. Look at who you are AND how you engage:
•Help your customers. If your business is down, it means that others are down. Give them business-building ideas or sales leads. Send an idea a week. They will remember your help after they recover.
•Get closer to your customers. Work there for a day. Get to understand WHY things are slower, and what it will take to make them better.
•Position yourself as a resource, not just a salesperson. You must communicate a value message to your customers every week.
•Get endorsements from your most loyal customers, and use them in a testimonial ad campaign. It authenticates all your claims. Your prospects will be more likely to believe you. Your customers will love you, and tell others. And your competition (who has your best customers on their "hot" list), will HATE you. Rock!
•Rededicate yourself to the present. Your ability to win is in direct proportion to your desire to remain a student and the intensity of your attitude and enthusiasm - TODAY.

And if you're a CEO or sales leader, here's what to do:
Invest in your people. Double your soft-skills training budget. Teach them attitude, goals, presentation skills, creativity, and selling skills. Now is the time for coaching, encouragement, and leadership by example.

Invest in your PRESENT customers. Market with customer testimonials and endorsements, not self-serving brags. Don't just say it. Prove it.

Improve service. I'll never understand why empty restaurants have lousy service. Now is the time to get the business community, or the community in which you live, to begin talking about you in a good way. Word-of-mouth advertising will bring more customers than traditional advertising.

CAUTION: It's not ONE thing. To get back in the game, it's a bit of all these elements. There is no pill you can swallow that will make the market better, you better, or the customer buy faster - much less make the customer buy from you, rather than the competition.

The good news is that you control your destiny. That's why you are an Entrepreneur in the first place!

** By the way to calm the "chatter" I don't always write all the entries on my blog from scratch... I collect great thoughts from the net and bring them to you!!! BTW- most Pastors preach from stuff written by guys over 2000 years ago... you have a problem with that?? I didn't think so! So stop the gossip, do what my blog says rather than being so concerned who authored it all. I make no $$ from this... sheesh!!!

14 May 2010

It's time to Reclaim the Seven Mountains of Culture

The Great Commission is a TEACHING as well as PREACHING commission!

Mt 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all THE NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NAS) Teach them all I commanded you.

Did you know that Yashua (Jesus) gave us 50 commandments to take to the nations?

The 50 commandments of Yashua will change a nation. Notice how Yashua commands us to both preach repentance and TEACH THEM TO “OBSERVE ALL THINGS THAT I COMMANDED YOU”. We tend to focus on getting people saved, or born again. That is certainly the start. This however is called the “Gospel of Salvation.” He has called us, as Joseph was called in Genesis 45:8 to FATHER the Pharoh, or the world system!!! NOT JUST get people "saved" from a future of waste, depression, poor, G-dless choices here on earth and ultimately totally separated from their Father, Creator and friend for all eternity.

The “Gospel of the Kingdom” on the other hand is the Gospel we are called to preach AND LIVE OUT. It includes the call to repentance but goes much further. The Seven Mountains of Culture reaches into the world system and threatens Satan's control over the nations. It is a teaching commission along side a preaching commission. It has been neglected too long.It is where at work you stand out... not because of your hardline stand on "sin" and obnoxious bumper stickers; hateful, compassion-free attitude; and "better than you" underlying tone in all you do! You are called for the purpose OF SHOWING and LIVING out before people what you believe. It is where you see yourself called to take dominion over the area, or "MOUNTAIN" you have been called to work, not just being a "good guy" or doing "your work well". It is where you actually TAKE control by "fathering" people in the arena you are called to work!!!

To disciple, or "father" a nation you need a philosophy that governs all aspects of behavior yet is flexible enough to apply to all sectors of society. What are the sectors of society the gospel must penetrate in order to disciple nations?

There are in fact seven mountains or world kingdoms that make up the matrix in which the culture of every nation exists. These mountains are also called “mind molders” because the person who controls the tops of these mountains has leverage over the minds and lives of those beneath in every other mountain. The church has a message for each of these mountains. We need to both demonstrate the power of God and recover our confidence in the practical, life changing dynamic that is unleashed when society is built on non optional universal life principles- the commandments of Yashua! It is the absence of this moral foundation that explains why it is easier to liberate a country from dictatorship than it is to bring it into order and prosperity once the dictator is out of power.

The Seven Mountains are …

* Arts/Entertainment
* Business/Finance
* Church/Ministry
* Education
* Family
* Government
* Media

According to Steve Shultz, founder of the Elijah List, “The Seven Mountain Symphony” CD is a new sound! It�s a “Spoke and Soak” – it has the spoken word with soaking music. There is not a sound like it in the earth. It is a new sound for a new day.

Seven Mountain Symphony is a sound commissioned and inspired by Holy Spirit. It is a symphonic ensemble of some of the leading apostolic and prophetic voices of this generation – the voice of Yashua speaking through some of His chosen generals in this hour to release both revelation and impartation. It is a collection worth purchasing as you pray for wisdom seeking just what your role in this restoration really is!!

Let's determine to seek our part in what G-d is doing today- in this hour of uncertainty and failed systems, it is the hour of His Kingdom and His people to rise in love; in power; in un-worldly wisdom with THE ANSWER to true stability, peace and prosperity. Let's face it- we as believers have done a horrible job!! We have let the dominion Yashua won on the cross be handed over, for a time, to the world's system and leadership once again!! You, as a Child of The Most High, have all you need to BECOME what you are called to be in this season.

Forget the "prosperity" message you have heard (a $35 offering isn't going to get us out of our selfish habits and bring favor!); forget the 'cloister" message where you hide away and stock cans of food.... get your hands dirty... be bold and LIVE truth. He is looking for those of us to step up and "father" a fatherless generation into the wisdom of a Father who can heal, deliver, save and bring real JOY to lives lived without peace, direction and love.

You are the answer. Start living like it!!!

Prayer Power
Most gracious and merciful heavenly Father, help us to know, experience and demonstrate Your power in a society that is built on Your non optional, universal life principles. May you bless us to be strong and of good courage as we battle to reclaim the Seven Mountains for Your Kingdom. Grant us wisdom to bring order and prosperity to the tribes and communties we are part of. In Yashua's name, the name above all names, we pray! Amen!