Well, in my opinion at least...there are a lot of directions to go here. I am not even sure, as I write this, that most will agree with me here, but...Since there are many differing opinions, let's just think this through... What do we need to have most of all to get started on this road to "total-life profitablilty". Now let me clear up that I am not speaking on wealth or cash necessarily, although our time and creativity has a serious value to it- It is what we do that creates assumed value in society (and in the wallet). But let's move ahead. You need to do work through the quest and soul-searching I am calling in my new book "Finding Your Groove". You need to find your groove- who am I, what am I supposed to do? Basic questions, right? But because of our busy lives most will die never finding their groove. Most of us are overwhelmed with life and "making a living". We are too busy to stop and think.. but that is WRONG. Most kids want to run past there youth where foundational ideas like "purpose", "responsibility", and a Biblical world view used to be stressed and head right into 'adulthood". If you want to have kids right away (or at least want to have sex which, duh, can and usually does lead to having kids) then you never find your groove because now you have to just "feed the family" and you miss the foundational building process. "Traditional" home-life is rare- and if you are a parent today, that is your greatest battle, but KEEP IT UP, and if your home is a mess, then stop and get things straightened out. Because if you don't put the brakes on your life and your family it now has to be built with additional stresses and pressures. Some of you adults reading this were just never exposed to the process of discovering who you were created to be- that's OK too. We will cover it all. Just chill out! (and my kids think sometimes I am not cool... whatever! LOL)
Some of you are where I just described. That's OK. It will be tougher, more challenging and will take a bit longer, but we, together, will get there. I have attached a diagram we created and trademarked for my new book, but it shows what we will be discussing over the next few weeks together... Your "groove" is another way of saying your purpose, passion or, as some call it, "your calling". I typically shy away from religious terms because most people have funky ideas such as callings are only for Pastors and Priest. How rediculous. I have faught YEARS of that mindset from religious people and even some in my own family. No doubt I, like many of you, am a called Man (or woman) of God as a businessperson! My "domain" is in the marketplace. Through my seminars and speaking engagements, I reach and speak to more people each year about the Kingdom of God (not "churchy" or stale religious stuff) than most " pastors or priests" do in an entire lifetime. I am talking about teaching people how to create a life that has REAL purpose, joy and fulfillment. Plus, a life God can bless and refers to in His Word as "profitable" Are you excited yet? You should be- because if you desire to be "profitable" I dare to say you are already!
Next week we will talk about the first of four areas that make up your "groove" based on my chart. That is YOUR PASSION- so get ready!!! Be meditiating on YOUR PASSION in your quiet time and we'll have a great time getting to the place where you know why you're here. Choices then come much easier and life becomes a bit more clear. It is JUST WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR. I promise. You are all loved and celebrated- Freedom is within reach!! Please comment and add feedback. it helps for others to see your questions, opinions and personal experiences containing both your personal challenges and success. Thanks. The "Profit".
So what do you really do ,all day just sit around thinking of clever things to say! Well I have not yet had the privilage to check out your competition DR.JOHN .. BUT IAM SURE LIKE YOURS IT IS FULL OF CLEVER DIALOGUE..... I just left Pastor Bonnies room
We ended Action Here in London, so all the women have been enjoying the company of one another. We laughed so hard it was great. The men went their own way and I am sure had great evening.. So many big Wow!
(moments) here at Action, I can't wait to share it with you..Much love Pastor Cindi
cant wait to read your book...i am sure it will be great!
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