21 July 2007

There is Nothing Like a Powerful Visual

Wow. This is compeling and moving. If you know of a teen who is struggling with the pull of the temptation send this clip to them. If you know an old person who is struggling with the pull of temptation, send this to them as well, just make sure they turn the speakers up a bit louder!! :) I will resume the message of Finding Your Groove Monday. Watch this clip then pass it on! http://www.ksbj.org/eblogs/afternoonShow/?p=86


Anonymous said...

I see my sister Ellen in that video.

Anonymous said...

I see my sister Ellen in that video. Extremely powerful and moving.

"Profit" Larry Favalora said...

Good. then pray and speak to heaven and demand in the name and throughy the blood sacrifice of Yeshua ha'Meshiach that she be loosed from the chain of dependence and her body be free of the chemical need of those drugs. It starts out as spiritual need but the chemical dependency issues far outway the grip of the spiritual- not because G-d is not able, because He is, but the natural effects that drugs have on her body are difficult to resist. But the video had the ending we can share with the Father in prayer to remind Him that is her destiny. "You have not (sometimes) because you ask not..." other times it is in His timing. that is rough theology and that is also why he is G-d and we are dust filled with FUTURE!