28 August 2007

People Leave and Make Excuses When Things Don't Go As Planned

Since we are using this spot to help encourage each of you to become "profitable" in all areas of your life there are a few lessons one must learn. Here is a big one...the people flock to you when things are "good" and run for the hills and talk about you when there is nothing left to feed them. Christian people. People who claim "high integrity" and "Godly ways".

But you know what- we all act out of past hurts and we need to recognize that. Here is a rule I try to remember as I deal with people- friends- who turn when things get rough and offer no help and even do things to hurt and scar your reputation... "Never let the pleasant people of your present pay for the painful people of your past."

It isn't worth getting angry over and ruining your day over. It is sad when people come to you and are so grateful for help- ie. meeting their needs. But as soon as they are finished and got all they perceive to be able to get... poof, they are gone. What do you do?? Nothing. Just do more qualifications on the front end- keep the "inner circle" tighter- be more selective. Let people proove themselves first- there is NOTHING wrong with that. People disqualify themselves all the time. Even Jesus experienced a relationship where a close friend, when it was "profitable" for him, turned his back on the Savior and sold him off to the enemy of the day. I guess the money was drying up in Jesus' bank account- you see, Judas was the treasurer and if money was important to Judas, then Jesus knowing that, must have allowed the "donations" to slow down knowing that was the key to reveal the heart of Judas. So obviously the thirty pieces of silver must have represented more to Judas than Judas perceived was attainable by hanging out with Jesus any longer. Does anyone else see a huge revelation there!! WOW.

"People always leave you in your season of dryness." That leads us to Lesson Number Two- don't despise dryness. It is as much as a gift from heaven as the rain- more in some cases!! The Word teches us that "when you are weak, He is strong" and His power is made manifest in us- made evident- when we are at our weakest. Blessings aren't always wrapped up in pretty packages. He knows what we need and what is happening in the hearts and souls of those around us. So what happens is when you get close enough to a person to see their weaknesses our "image" of that person to be a super-human spiritual giant is shattered and you leave. NO. Remember what G-d showed you about that person in the early stages of your relationship- that is still truth, but each man has weaknesses and character flaws- YOU DON'T! You are their to cover the cracks and even help fix and repair the flaws of another, not leave.

Take Jody and Crazy Cindi Wilson, Linda and Deaven Butler, Apostle Francis and Trina Myles, Tommy Deuschle and Jim and Cindy McGough for instance. WOW. These guys have been proven. They were around me when we were crankin' and rollin' but when things slowed down, money got scarce, when I went through terrible personal issues and a deep depression and most "faithful" people left and it looked like I was going down not to rise again, they were still standing with me. I asked them, like Jesus did to the disciples when everyone else walked away at one time, "aren't you going to leave me too". They didn't. You know why? Because they saw the plan God had to accomplish in me, with us together, not the weakness of the man he had chosen to complete the plan. They are the first people who I have known who have been that way with me. Their positioning themselves like they have made all the difference in the success of our ventures- and me still having half my witts about me today!

Dryness is a wonderful process of revealing the chaff. It clears out the "house" and makes room for those who have ears to hear. Joseph went through a terrible season in his life. Were the plans and the dreams wrong? Inacurate? An ego trip? No. The timing wasn't what Joseph thought- people in his life had to be revealed for what they were. No other way could this have been accomplished but through dryness and a "dark night of the soul". The outcome was the fulfillment of a personal vision he had for himself fulfilled in a way even HE never thought would be so glorious, and the slavation of millions of his people and the EVIL Egyptians as well. His brothers... well, there was forgiveness, but they never got to live in the palace! Reconsiliation did occured, but never full restoration!

If you have left someone, hurt them with words, misunderstood their motives, walked away from someone who can and did love you and spoke into your life, go to them. Ask them to forgive you! If that person is really a man or women of God then you will be well received. If you aren't well received then don't be bitter, you did your part. God will work on them. Leave them in peace and as non-confrontational as possible. People are funny. Do what you can to live in peace with all men, the Word says, especially with those in the household of faith. That's a good word to live by. Now eat some crow and go ask forgiveness. By the way, ketchup is real good on crow- I KNOW BECAUSE I HAVE HAD TO EAT A BUNCH OF IT MYSELF. Love you all.

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