Passion- a pretty powerful word in its' own right. It has several meanings and uses. Some we are going to address and others we will leave for Dr. Ruth! :) The passion we are going to deal with here for a few moments is what few people really ever wind up tapping into. Most people today aren't driven by "passion". Let me explain. Most people's dreams and visions for there lives get burried and pushed aside by the cares of this life and the disheartening realities of survival. The dream seems to be "unrealistic" and farfetched.
LIE #1. Your passions are not G-d's plan. That is not true. You have been given the mind of Christ! The same Father who thought up DNA, and a worm hiding for a while and emerging a colorful and graceful butterfly, who made a baby helpless so as to connect that child in an intimate way for the rest of its' life with its' parents, also put the ability in you to see things that aren't as if they were, because they WILL! The main purpose for your brain is NOT memorization- although it is faster than any computer chip for recalling in vivid detail, but your brain's real skill that set's you apart from any creature or machine is the ability to create, to visualize, to imagine! THAT is how we were "created in His likeness". Don't fall for the lie that your deep-down pictures of your future and the drive (passion) to get you there aren't from Him! You really need to stop- assess where you are going. What choices can you make today that will get you moving in a direction you want to eventually be going? Well, change isn't going to come immediately but you have to force yourself to be disciplined enough to make choices, to make those choices starting today that will effect your future and the future of many, many others!
Let me share a few simple concepts you are familiar with to make my point. Savings- how many of you are disciplined savers?? (I hear crickets!!!) But start today saving something each time you receive income and in a few years you will see how compound interest and small consistant savings will make a difference! You wouldn't argue with that, right? EXAMPLE #2- you want a college degree- you have ALWAYS wanted to get your degree. You children are now in school and you feel like that was just a pipe dream!! That will NEVER happen for me-my time has come and gone. BULL!! TOTAL BALONEY- How do you do it then? You start with one class on line, then another and then another. START today. Don't let life, people's opinions, misconceptions, society, poor thinking habits, bad mental programing, fear and anxiety steal your passion.
Commit today to reawaken your passion to do something, be something and accomplish something. G-d is the author of grand plans, miraculous events when no other path is possible, moves obsticles, changes hearts, and is the fulfillment of all you hope for because it is in Him that we live, move and have our being. I am standing with you today and committing to seeing you reach down into your heart and re-awaken those dreams- passions- and see them through to completion. It is the first key to FINDING YOUR GROOVE!!!
Hi Profit Larry
It's been proven in my walk with God that my dreams and anticipation deep down is most certainly from God. My purpose has been prophetically confirmed on more than one occasion.
The opposite of you topic is just as powerful! Apart from God my Father is my purpose my obsession despite not being fulfilling it completely yet!!!!???!!!
One thing is for sure that no person can be fulfilled and justified as God's creation if he or she is not fulfilling their destiny ... this is impossible!
When i sometimes minister is it very clear to me that a lot of people has stopped dreaming what God placed inside them due to giving up on their dreams! They are walking shadows of who they should be!
It is said that the strongest instinct an animal has got is the drive to survive & once that instinct is broken is the animal finished.
So is the dream in your heart and the purpose of God. We HAVE to fulfill purpose and i believe that the only reason we are alive is because of purpose. Our purpose substantiates who and what we are!!!!!
Finally 'profit' Larry i got to know about you from Pastor Cindy Lomabardo when she visited us in South Africa, she is indeed my hero!
Be inspired by your purpose and your unbreakable drive to fulfill God's destinyfor you being in His Kingdom here on earth!!!!!!
Martin Prinsloo
Thank you, Brother Martin! And I, too, have been told by Pastor Cindi that we need to meet! She said you were a fine man and we had to be in fellowship! I am working on several deals that could bring me back to South Africa and Zimbabwe before the end of the year. please keep in touch and keep walking in right thinking, peace and joy in His Holy Spirit!!
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