07 June 2011

A Letter to Me- from Me...

Recently I signed up to participate in an 30-day fun writing project based on the wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson (visit ralphwaldoemerson.me for more info). Each day, they email out a quote and a writing prompt that is based on his book, “Self Reliance” as a way to help liberate ourselves from the lies we tell ourselves (often unconsciously).

While I don’t participate every day, I do read every day and reflect upon what is shared. Today I felt compelled to respond publicly. Here’s the quote for today…

“There will be an agreement in whatever variety of actions, so they be each honest and natural in their hour.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
And here is the writing prompt…

What would you say to the person you were five years ago?
What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years?

Here’s the first half of the prompt of what I’d write to my self 5 years ago…

My Dearest Larry…
I have some good news, and some bad news. Since I know what kind of person you are, you always want the bad stuff first. It helps you more easily see the silver lining in all situations, so here it goes.

Dude, you’re totally f#@*-ed. No seriously. You are.

I say that with the greatest reverence for who you are, what you’re capable of, and I don’t use profanity lightly. When used sparingly and consciously profanity carries a great weight and makes an impact. I wanted to get your attention to prepare you for what follows…

Life as you know it is going to be totally flipped upside-down, you won’t recognize yourself, and you’ll see the world in strange ways that you can’t possibly imagine. Your financial life will be thrown into ruin and your perfect credit will disappear. Everything you think you are and want to be will be obliterated, including your reputation. You're "friends"... most of 'em ran so fast you'll think you were hit by a bus! Oh, and you’ll move back into a small rental property in a town that will have nothing but bad memories! Yup, you know where I am talking about (and before that you will be living back with your Dad- yup I said Dad because your Mom is going to die! Oh, don't worry, it gets better!)

Oh yeah, and you know all your favorite foods? They’re gone and have been replaced with your childhood nightmare foods. Yes, everything you hated to eat, and sometimes even threw up directly on your plate will become your primary diet because you're about to have a heart attack and a small nervous breakdown (so much for "Mr. Strong Person-I can do this"!)

I'd start reading about a cave in Israel called Adullum, by the way if I were you- it will come in handy pretty soon!!

Sorry if that sounds depressing. It’s just the way it is. Oh, and that beautiful wife you waited for and loved, and six-figure income you enjoyed with no stress, and the millions in the bank? Yeah, you’re getting a divorce and you’re best friend will run off with your millions. And the Bank, the Telecom Company and Airline- gone, gone and.... gone.

Your son and daughter will pay the dearest price of all for the selfish choices you and Catherine made, too. You'll come close to losing Joshua, more than once. Liz will be hurt inside so badly she won't like you and won't want to talk to you for a long time (can you believe all this!!).

Like I said, you’re totally f*#@-ed.

Don’t worry though…

As scary as that sounds, all of that is just “deconstructing” the parts of your life that don’t work so that you can make room for what really does. You were pretty off balance there, big guy!

The good news is that the result of that chaos and destruction is you will experience inner freedom, joy, happiness, you'll meet REAL FRIENDS (in Indiana. Don't wrinkle your nose like that at me... I said Indiana!) who will be with you for a lifetime, and you will realize restoration and abundance in ways far beyond your current grasp or imagination!! Most people you work with and care about left, except for the Butler's, the Wilson's, the McGough's and the Myles'!

The things you are scared of now, you won’t fear anymore. You will no longer see inner fear (that no one knows you feel) as an obstacle, but rather, as a blessed opportunity.

Your new outlook on life will be one of taking action, courage, and success beyond anything you ever imagined. You will be stronger and more loving overall.

Your relationships will thrive and deepen with authenticity and meaning, and you’ll experience financial abundance far beyond what you ever dreamed possible while working with your past team. Your false accusation will be exposed as a plot against you. You’ll be self-employed in service to humanity, helping others live their most incredible lives… that others may learn from your experiences. You will write a book about this special "calling"- Your story will be others' hope.

Your health will improve, your mental clarity will sharpen, and you’ll be more easily able to appreciate the simple things in life.

Your children will make it through- and learn who their Daddy really is and love you more than ever imaginable. Oh, and Liz will bless you with a beautiful granddaughter, Gianna Grace! This will allow you to fulfill the ability to be a "good" man and provide for your children and your children's children as the Word says. Joshua and Lizzy will make it through and stand next to you in ministry and business and you'll be proud of them both- and they will be proud of you, too!

Catherine may not ever come back... I can't see that far into the future. But whatever happens, maintain love, shalom and respect. You can't make someone love you, Larry, as difficult as that is to hear!

No matter what happens, hang in there… You’re in for the bumpiest ride of your entire life. At times you will think you're unable to make it- you will see days and days of total despair and loneliness, but you'll soon come to find out it’s also going to be the most rewarding and character building time of your entire life as well.

Not only that… here’s the MOST IMPORTANT THING for you to realize…

You’ll actually know, deep deep down, how incredible and amazing you are. In other words…

You’re going to fall in love with yourself, for the first time- In Christ.

Call me if you need anything. I am always right here!

The "Chief" and "Profit" Larry


Josh said...

Awesome post Larry, and very moving.

You are a REAL man.

I appreciate what you have sowed into my life.

To me Larry, you are a real friend.

You deserve the best brother.

"Profit" Larry Favalora said...

Josh, that means so much to me personally. You have been solid, consistent and there for me as well for years! Let's make it rain, brother!!