22 April 2013

A Little Nugget Along The Way- Father G-d Lessons!

We don’t always control the external circumstances of our lives – sometimes something happens unexpectedly. 

The one thing we can control is whether or not we choose to react to it, or what our reaction will be... you control YOU!

When we react, we check out. We’re no longer the one in charge of ourselves. We become the effect of whatever it is we are reacting to.. react in a way pleasing to G-d, and you let Him take control; react in anger, in fear or run, and you let the Enemy of your soul take control. Then, the lesson to be learned in each life event goes unrealized and you have to "circle the mountain" one more time. What a waste! 

It takes a great deal of discipline to remain calm and steadfast in our certainty that everything is for the best, but the more we practice it, the greater we grow our peace within and the more progress we make in our walk with Him.

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